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Ripples - Summer 2014 Newsletter of the Australian Learning Communities Network

Please find featured below and attached the Summer 2014 newsletter of Ripples, the Australian Learning Communities Network:

Outside the Box (OTB) – a new PASCAL Website facility

The PASCAL Advisory Council (PAC) is launching a new platform to facilitate an exchange of fresh views and experience on issues concerning PASCAL themes and concerns.

Revival in the Heartland: Manufacturing and Trade in Chicago

Advanced manufacturing expertise coupled with diversified manufacturing and business services ensure Chicago’s future as a global city, according to a report by Senior Fellows Richard C. Longworth and Phil Levy. They presented their findings during a panel discussion, as part of the Chicago HSBC Made for Trade event.

See more at:

The Midwesterner: At Last, New Regional Spotlight on the Midwest

If the Midwest has been overlooked by the rest of the nation, we really can’t complain. Mostly, Midwesterners ignore the region themselves. No major university teaches its history or economy. Few books probe its plight or its heart. No regional magazine has made a serious attempt to reflect the reality of its life.

Until now. The Midwest, as a region, is finally getting some attention at home, with a scholarly association and two new magazines.

University Grants Commission of India and community engagement

I am glad to share with you that as a result of the collective efforts of PRIA and the UNESCO Chair in India, the vision for community engagement in HEIs, as outlined in the 12th Five year plan document, has been finally made operational.

Back to the City Movement: NIU Policy Profile

The Policy Profile, featured below and attached, reports the encouraging results from a Center for Governmental Studies inquiry into the near-term prospects for the aging business districts in Illinois’ medium and small cities and villages.

Economic Impact of Illinois Community Colleges

A recent study completed by the Center for Governmental Studies at NIU detailed community college student outcomes and economic impacts for the Illinois Community College system and each of the 39 community college districts in the state.

Engaged Scholar: E-Newsletter

Featured below and attached for download is the most recent issue of Tthe Engaged Scholar, prepared by Michicago State University.  Good reading.

What Counts: Harnessing Data for America’s Communities

There is a new book called, "What Counts: Harnessing Data for America’s Communities," from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Urban Institute, which outlines opportunities and challenges for the strategic use of data to reduce poverty, improve health, expand access to quality education, and build stronger communities.

International Congress of Educating Cities Declaration on Inclusion

The 13th International Congress of Educating Cities held in Barcelona in November adopted a Declaration on Inclusion in Educating Cities. 838 participants from 189 cities in 34 countries attended the conference.


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