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Northern Illinois University President Doug Baker at the White House

A delegation, led by Northern Illinois University President Douglas Baker, to represent the Northern Illinois Regional P-20 Network joined President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden at a White House College Opportunity Summit on December 4, 2014.

The Northern Illinois P-20 Network: Making Progress

In June 2014, Northern Illinois University (NIU) President Doug Baker convened a small group of community college presidents, superintendents, and key state leaders to explore establishing a Northern Illinois P-20 Network. The purpose of the network is to improve college and career success for our students through regional collaboration.

Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe

Subscribers may be interested in the note from Eurydice just received. The report - Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe - is featured below.

Black or White? Governance of Global Flows to NGOs

There has been a raging controversy in India these past months around 'recovering black money' stashed abroad. All kinds of legal and political battles are being fought on the size, significance and ownership of black money kept abroad by Indians. Do NGOs have black money? Do international flows to development NGOs include black money? Does Indian development sector create black money? Does it get stashed abroad?

Unisa/PASCAL Conference Title and Focus Areas

The 12th PASCAL International Observatory conference will  be hosted at the University of South Africa from the 28th to the 30th of September 2015 with the theme Community Engagement in the 21st Century.

Brèves du CMA - Novembre 2014

Nous avons le plaisir de vous adresser, en fichier joint, les BREVES du CMA de novembre 2014. Elles ont pour objectif de vous informer régulièrement sur les travaux et les projets du CMA.

New Associate Directors in Europe

We are very pleased to announce that Dr Ilpo Laitinen, City of Helsinki, Professor Balázs Németh, University of Pecs and Professor Roberta Piazza, University of Catania, have been appointed as Associate Directors of PASCAL. They will respectively have responsibility for developing the work of PASCAL in the Nordic countries, Eastern and Central Europe, and in Southern Europe.

Addressing Complex Social and Environmental Problems

Michigan State University is pleased to announce an important upcoming conference - Innovations in Collaborative Modeling: Addressing Complex Social and Environmental Problems through Systems Modeling Techniques.

Lifelong Learning in Korea - October 2014

We are pleased to feature here for PASCAL subscribers the third issue of our quarterly web magazine 'Lifelong Learning in Korea' published by the Office of Global Lifelong Education Relations at NILE and the objective is to share Korean lifelong education projects and cases with policy makers, researchers, experts and practicers from all over the world.

The title of the third issue of 2014 is "Lifelong Learning for All : Focusing on the Cases of 'Lifelong Learning Centers for Happiness'".

LEMONOC newsletter

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