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Lifelong Learning in Korea - October 2014

We are pleased to feature here for PASCAL subscribers the third issue of our quarterly web magazine 'Lifelong Learning in Korea' published by the Office of Global Lifelong Education Relations at NILE and the objective is to share Korean lifelong education projects and cases with policy makers, researchers, experts and practicers from all over the world.

The title of the third issue of 2014 is "Lifelong Learning for All : Focusing on the Cases of 'Lifelong Learning Centers for Happiness'".

LEMONOC newsletter

We are happy to introduce you to our project and to invite you to sign up for our newsletter.

The second volume in the ESREA new book series with SENSE Publisher is out!

Learning across Generations in Europe. Contemporary Issues in Older Adult Education, edited by Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha, University of Tübingen, Germany. Sabina Jelenc Krašovec, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Marvin Formosa University of Malta, Malta.

Glen Postle receives the Miller-Grassie Award for Outstanding Leadership in Education.

It is good to see that some of the work that was featured in the PURE case-study of Darling Downs continues, and that a key colleague there, PASCAL Associate, Glen Postle has received the Miller-Grassie Award for Outstanding Leadership in Education.

2nd International Symposium on Transformative Education, 15-17 May 2015, Ioannina, Greece - Call for papers

The 2nd Symposium of Early Childhood Pedagogy will focus on the transformative nature of modern schools in the context of inclusive pedagogy.

PASCAL Learning Cities Networks - Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities - Rolling Workshops, 2015

Participants in the Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities Network will collaborate in a rolling Workshop to be held at venues in four countries in the period February-May 2015. The venues will be in Östersund, Glasgow, Catania, and Pecs.<--break->

Future of Cities - Latest Publication

The latest publication of the UK Government Office for Science's Foresight Group led by Sir Alan Wilson on the Future of Cities has just been published. The Business of Cities authored by Emily Moir and Greg Clark looks at the way in which the relationship between cities and business is evolving.

Innovation in Higher Education in Europe - a new report with PASCAL inputs

The final report and annexes of case studies from a Study on Innovation in Higher Education undertaken for the European Union in 2013 led by LSE Enterprise and the Panteia Group have just been published. PASCAL undertook two of the case studies within this study, which are found in the annex as follows:

National IKS Pioneers Award for PASCAL Director, Catherine Hoppers

It gives me enormous and heartfelt gratitude to the people of South Africa (through iIKSSA), for awarding me the National IKS Pioneers Award last Friday evening , the 26th September 2014.

Latest issue of Education Permanente in Switzerland on Learning Regions

We are pleased to announce the latest issue of Education Permanente published by the Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung (SVEB) in Zürich. The main topic of this issue of the magazine is learning regions / education landscape, and include an article by Pascal Director, Michael Osborne. The articles are written in French and German and we hope that you enjoy them.

This link will take you to the magazine and we also feature it below...


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