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What chances for democracy? Bad remembering...

Few remember the immense brutality and the inhumanity of the systems which are part of our recent history. Few remember the terror and mass murder of the Stalin years. But President Vladimir Putin, massively reelected in Russia, has similar tactics and similar objectives to those of Joseph Stalin.

The curious incident of the disappearance of the policy discourse of adult education in England: Thoughts from a foreigner

Source: PIMA Bulletin 17, April 2018

Darlene Clover and I are returning to London on the train from Wolverhampton where we had the pleasure of attending a conference organised by the irresistible Sir Alan Tuckett on the subject of The Learning Age 20 Years on. The Learning Age: A Renaissance for a New Britain (1997) was a green paper brought out by New Labour under the political leadership of David (Lord) Blunkett, then Secretary of State for Education and Employment.

Looking forward to a few role for adult educators

Source: PIMA Bulletin 17, April 2018

Thirty years ago, I wrote an article bemoaning the state of adult and community learning (ACL) in the UK and calling for a Year of Adult Learning to raise its profile and a campaign for a new deal from government. The outcome was the creation of Adult Learners Week, a more modest but practicable initiative than the one I had envisaged, and eventually, a decade later, a commitment by a new government to a Learning Age.

Critical Adult Education is not dead; only invisible

Source: PIMA Bulletin 17, April 2018

Budd Hall’s note on ‘The Curious Incident of the Disappearance of the Policy Discourse of Adult Education in England’ revives the forgotten nature of adult education. It reminds the traditional memory of popular education, ranging from Latin America to Nordic countries, and workers education discourses in most of global contexts, especially in modern UK as well as contemporary Canada and Australia.

Toowoomba Multi-Faith Multiculture Centre

Discovering why meditation is essential is the theme of the "Silence for Peace" workshop on 20 June 2018, as participants prepare to experience a peace that begins in our own hearts.  Weekly meditations are also held for people across all faiths through the above Centre. 

Random Reflections by Dr Rajesh Tandon – May 2018

Today is Labour Day, or May Day, as a symbol of unity of workers worldwide. Here is another round of random reflections for your perusal:

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships at the University of Glasgow - up to 7 years of funding

The College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow invites expressions of interest from external candidates wishing to apply for UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships.

Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland receives £2m in Scottish Government’s Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan

The Scottish Government has awarded £2m funding through Every Child, Every Chance, its Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22, to Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland (CNS), an innovative collaboration involving staff from the Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change (ROC) in the School of Education working with colleagues in Policy Scotland, What Works and Glasgow Centre for Population Health at the Social Research Hub at Olympia in the East End of Glasgow.  

Faith / Spirituality-based Learning Cities Development Network Highlights for 2016 - 2018

The Faith / Spirituality-based Learning City Development Network has been growing since our beginnings in 2016. After the PASCAL International Observatory Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Rob Mark (PASCAL LCN Director), Dr. Connie Watson (LearnLong Institute of Education and Learning Research), and Dr. Maria Liu Wong (LearnLong / City Seminary of New York) convened the first meeting for interested parties in July 2016 at City Seminary of New York (New York City).

Random Reflections 161 on April Fool's Day

Since random reflections began fifteen years ago, we once again arrive on April first, in some quarters known as April Fool’s Day. Here again:


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