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Widening Regional Engagement of HE and TVET

This project at the University of Glasgow is funded under by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through an Impact Acceleration Grant (IAA), ES/M500471/1. It seeks to 

EcCoWell Cork Open Space event on UN World Water Day

The next EcCoWell Cork Open Space event will take place during the Lifelong Learning Festival in the city on 22 March

The event will focus on the topic of water to highlight and celebrate UN World Water Day and is a chance to discover the many ways in which business, academia, communities and people engage with water.

Intelligent campus community event - University of Glasgow, 10 April 2018

Working in the area of the intelligent campus? Interested in the work being undertaken by others in this area? 

Come along to our community of practice: an opportunity to network, share practice and hear what various institutions and Jisc are doing in this space at the University of Glasgow on Tuesday 10 April 2018

Rethinking EcCoWell: In the Context of Sustainable Development Goals

This paper reviews the experience of the EcCoWell concept which was developed by PASCAL in 2012 as an approach to holistic and integrated development of learning cities.

The conclusions and recommendations of the paper were approved by the PASCAL Board in November 2017 and are now serving as the basis for implementing EcCoWell 2 as a refinement of the EcCoWell concept relevant to progressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals in towns and cities. 

Post-industrial Cities & Urban Resilience: Learnings from Scotland and the U.S. - a panel discussion - 22 March 2018, Glasgow

Glasgow and Pittsburgh are connected by a shared post-industrial history (focused on shipbuilding and steelmaking respectively), and also face similar challenges in terms of the future shape of their economies and communities. The RSA has been working in Pittsburgh to amplify economic and social strategies for post-industrial cities through the lens of resilience.

Promoting Community Engagement for Vocational and Professional Education and Training - Hong Kong, 15 March 2018

We are pleased to announce that the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong) in collaboration with the  PASCAL Observatory will be holding an international symposium on 15 March 2018 from 0915-1315 at The Education University of Hong Kong (Block A - University Council Chamber). This Symposium will discuss findings of the benchmarking research conducted in Hong Kong and several European cities, and importance of community engagement for Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET).

Call for Papers! Global Learning Cities Pre-Conference at the ITLC 2018 (Nov 7, 2018 - Teachers College, Columbia Univ) - UPDATE

Please join us for the "Global Learning Cities: Empowering Citizens and Transforming Communities" Pre-Conference Gathering at the International Transformative Learning Conference 2018 on November 7, 2018, at Teachers College, Columbia University (New York). This event is co-sponsored by LearnLong Institute of Education and Learning Research, PASCAL Learning Cities Network, City Seminary of New York, and Teachers College, Columbia University. The call for papers is attached, and proposals may be submitted until April 27, 2018.

PASCAL SIG: Public Sector Interface Report 12-2017- Knowledge Cities

The purpose of this PASCAL Special  Interest Group (SIG)  is to examine the interface between PASCAL and  the public policy sectors. While this topic is a very broad, it cuts across sectors and issues, including innovative resource sharing and the role of institutions of higher education, and those organizations that develop policy. It includes the development of intercultural activity. In this third issue, the themes of regionalism and the changing role of universities are considered.

PASCAL Learning Cities Provide Innovative Models for Development in Turkey

A seminar hosted by Ege University, Izmir held at the Ataturk Cultural Centre, presented an opportunity for Dr Rob Mark, PASCAL Learning Cities Coordinator, to inform professionals including university staff  and residents about the strengths of working together to build sustainable learning cities for a better future. Izmir is a city of almost 5 million people and Ege University has a population of more than 50,000 students. 

Getting Started with the SDGs in Cities

The German authorities have prepared a handbook as a guide to connect urban development and the SDG's . The purpose is to help actors  to consider all the complexity of urban topics and the multiple interactions across sectors and strata from the very beginning of planning. The target are both the local stakeholders and the national governments dealing with urban development issues.


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