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11th PASCAL Conference - Closing thoughts...

Cities Learning Together showed that partners can collaborate productively around shared purposes. The outcome can be shared ownership and commitment to further bilateral and multilateral action. This comes from learning together in an open participatory way, where different parties contribute relevant authority and expertise from different kinds of experience.

Intercultural Cities Programme - Patras

Cities participating in the Intercultural cities programme of the Council of Europe undergo expert and peer reviews of their policies, governance and practice. This review takes the form of narrative reports and city profiles – a form which is very rich in content and detail but is relatively heavy as a tool to monitor progress and communicate results.

Cities Learning Together - News from another side of the world

Following my attendance at the 11th PASCAL conference - Cities Learning Together - in Hong Kong, I would like to introduce subscribers to my organisation Senac.

Random Reflections - December 1, 2013

Another set of random reflections for your perusal below:

EU Development Days, 26/27 November 2013 - Lifelong Learning and Development

As part of EU Development days in Brussels on 26 and 27 November, our colleagues in ICAE, ASPBAE, EAEA and DVV have reported that their combined contribution in the area of lifelong learning and development was very successful. For details of the event see the attached.

Challenging the 'European Area of Lifelong Learning'

Challenging the 'European Area of Lifelong Learning' critically reflects on the context in which lifelong learning policies and practices are organized in Europe with contributions of researchers and policy makers in the field, including a number of colleagues associated with the PASCAL Observatory and CR&DALL. This includes a chapter entitled 'The Rise and Fall and Rise again of Learning Cities' by Lynette Jordan, Norman Longworth and Michael Osborne. 

Gaza: Tradition and Leadership in a Learning City in the 6th Century AD

I am delighted to report that Jan Stenger, MacDowell Professor of Greek, Classics, University of Glasgow has won funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to hold a colloquium in April 2014 followed by a research workshop and public lecture in June 2014.

A day in Udine/Friuli - budding learning city/region?

Udine is a small city of 100,000 souls about 120 kilometres North of Venice. It is the capital city of the region of Friuli, which adds another 70,000 or so people to the headcount. In former times,  it was ruled by a wide selection of invaders, most of whom came, saw, conquered and stayed. Aquilea,  to the south of the region, was the second largest Roman city/port in antiquity – all that remains of it are a few stones down by the now non-existent river and a 4th century cathedral with some stunning mosaics.

U21 workshop in Hong Kong - 21 November

The lastest workshop of the U21 RUR network on the topic of Research Universities and their Learning Cities was held at Hong Kong University on 21 November 2013, and hosted by Professor Mark Bray. Delegates attended from the University of Glasgow, Hong Kong University and UBC as well as collaborating universities and cities who are not part of U21. These included the University of Catania, the cities of Cork and Helsinki, Simon Fraser University and the University of Tampere. 

At this point some practical suggestions that emerged from discussion include the following:

The World Beyond 2015 - Is Higher Education Ready?

The world faces some serious challenges, and higher education is an essential part of the response. Universities are already engaging with these issues, but are still trying to articulate their current and potential role.


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