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Cork EcCoWell conference Executive Summary

An executive summary of the recent Cork EcCoWell conference, held on 26-27 September, is featured below and attached; this includes summaries of the remarks by speakers.

Reflections on Afrikan Indigenous Knowledge: Work of Paulo Wangoola

Paulo Wangoola is the founding Nabyama or President of the Mpambo Afrikan Multiversity, a higher education research institute for the revitalization and promotion of mother-tongue Afrikan scholarship. Based near the source of the River Nile in Busoga Kingdom of Uganda, Wangoola has been working closely with a team of deep thinkers trained in Indigenous ways of knowing totally outside of western educational schools and systems of thought.

PASCAL Director attends Citynet conference in Seoul

Professor Michael Osborne, PASCAL Director at the University of Glasgow was very pleased to be able to attend the CityNet conference held between 3 and 6 November at Seoul City Hall and Global Centre. It was a pleasure for PASCAL as partners of CityNet to attend this event, which was full of excellent dialogue.

Cork EcCoWell International conference – key addresses

The city of Cork recently hosted an international conference to follow up the initiative by the city to explore how the EcCoWell ideas developed by PASCAL under the PIE program might be implemented in Cork. EcCoWell  is directed at holistic and integrated approaches to city development that progress beyond the silos often found in cities.

The Irish Minister for Research and Innovation, Sean Sherlock, spoke at the conference and offered comment on the EcCoWell aspiration.  Closing remarks at the conference were given by Pat Ledwidge. The text of both addresses are available below and attached.

Bad Tölz Learning Region Case Study

I recently posted a note about the Cork and Limerick Lifelong Learning Festivals in the context of an article by the co-ordinators of both festivals in the current issue of the Irish Adult Learner 2013 journal. My note mentioned that Bad Tölz in southern Germany has conducted very successful learning and health festivals for some years. Information on the Bad Tölz festivals is now available in the attached short paper by Denise Reghenzani-Kearns and Romina Prudent.

Fundacion Bofil and PASCAL PIAAC seminar and conference in Barcelona - 7 November

We are delighted to announce that Fundacion Bofil is organising in collaboration with the PASCAL Observatory a seminar and conference on 7 November 2013 in Barcelona related to the recent PIAAC report. In order to facilitate productive discussions in the seminar, the number of participants will be limited to approximately 30 invited individuals. The evening conference is opened to the general public. Full details are attached.

Call for feedback: Big Tent V

The 5th Global Dialogue on Community-University Engagement is taking place in Hong Kong, November 18-20th, 2013 during the 11th PASCAL Conference hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Education and organised the the Europe Centre at RMIT University.

Random Reflections - November 1, 2013

Here are some random reflections for your perusal:

Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education

The Shanghai Municipal Institute for Lifelong Education (SMILE) in partnership with the National Center for Educational Development and Research and the National Center for Community Education Research and Development is convening a Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education in Shanghai on 15 November immediately prior to the EU Centre/PASCAL Hong Kong Conference on 18-20 November. SMILE links the East China Normal University and Shanghai City Council in the development of the Shanghai Learning City initiative.

EcCoWell - Cities for the Future - Presentations now online

All presentations from the EcCoWell - Cities for the Future International Conference in Cork City on September 26th and 27th 2013 are currently on our website for you to view and share. We had a total for 265 applications for the conference from local, national and international delegates. 


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