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Successful Town Centres

Please find featured below attached a recent piece of work for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, which argues for a repositioning of the strategic focus of town and city centres more in line with their DNA or 'personality'. The report also offers the first ever National Framework for Town Centre Performance in the UK with a set of key performance indicators that favour a 'DIY' approach from communities empowering them to gather the data for themselves without any previous knowledge of market research.

British Council Researcher Links - Travel Grants - Deadline 24 November

Travel Grants from British Council - Deadline 23:59 GMT 24th  November 2013.

Here is a good opportunity for subscribers to PASCAL who reside in the UK or one of 19 countries listed below.

Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education, November 15, 2013

Please find featured below and attached for download, a paper on planning for the Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education which will be held on 15 November immediately before the Hong Kong conference. Denise and I will participate and are preparing papers. The Forum is more ambitious than I expected and is now seen as “a permanent and international summit forum on lifelong education and learning city” and so is something we should take into account in any PASCAL activity in the learning city area beyond 2014.

Compare and Contrast - PIAAC interpretations

Subscribers may be interested in following the progression of an item that we recently produced on the PIAAC results from the UK:

Rajesh Tandon: Companies as citizens

There is now a growing social and political acceptance of private sector contributions to India's development. However, many recent big-ticket corruption scandals have brought into public glare the growing menace of crony capitalism. In addition, large-scale protests by tribal and other rural communities against displacement from their land, habitat and livelihoods have further painted business as a menacing predator.

Better climate policy means better science communication

Why don’t more people believe in climate change? Why don’t policymakers act more quickly and decisively on climate change legislation? What is science doing wrong (if anything) when it comes to communicating the nature and urgency of this issue?

Engaging Institutions in the Development of Regional Food Systems: Setting the Table for Collaboration

On Tuesday, October 15, over 75 leaders in the regional food system came together to discuss how institutions could support the development of regional food systems. This day-long gathering hosted by the Center for Governmental Studies (CGS)-Northern Illinois University took place at the Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus in Woodstock, Illinois where participants were able to tour the on-campus, student-run farm.

Whither Development Studies? Localizing Research Partnerships

A recent comparative study carried out by UK’s Development Studies Association focuses on the comparative value-addition of development studies carried out in partnership with NGOs and community-based organisations (CBOs). Entitled ‘Cracking Collaboration’, it analyses the factors that can enhance such value-addition. Much of the collaboration on research continues to be such where NGOs and CBOs are ‘users’ of research carried out by academics. Very few collaborations entail NGOs/CBOs setting the research agendas or co-producing the knowledge.

Research Universities and their Learning Cities - 21 November, Hong Kong University

Please find attached a programme, registration form and information sheet for the U21 RUR Workshop, Research Universities and their Learning Cities, to be held at Hong Kong University on 21st November 2013. This event is being organised to follow the 11th PASCAL conference, Cities Learning Together, and is associated with the new Learning Cities 2020 initiative of PASCAL.

ESREA Seminar: Local Change, Social Actions and Adult Learning - Lisbon 2014

We would like to inform you that the ESREA Seminar "Local Change, Social Actions and Adult Learning: Challenges and Responses" of the Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development network will be held in Lisbon (Portugal) at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon on June, 26,27 and 28th, 2014.

More information at:

Please find featured below the first Call for Papers:


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