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Governance From Below

The contestation around use of natural resources is long-standing in human history; access to land, forests, water and minerals have led to rise and fall of civilisations. As large societies like India and China began rapid economic growth in recent decades, such contestations have intensified. Local inhabitants, especially tribals and indigenous communities, access these resources for socio-economic and spiritual sustenance. When commercial and industrial demands begin to restrict or deny such access for them, their resistance is to be expected.

Jan Gejel new European work directions

Dear European colleagues,

As you might know, I have been building up and been the key driver of the successful International Department at the Aarhus Social and Healthcare College in Denmark for almost 12 years.

The College now has a new management with different views on European cooperation.

Therefore I will be looking for new work challenges in European cooperation elsewhere in Denmark and in Europe – in the form of job, consultancy and collaboration opportunities.

Theme for the Fifth Global Communique in Community Engaged Research and Engagement

More than half the population of the world is now living in urban habitats. Asia is the fastest growing region in urbanisation. In the past decade, nearly half a billion Asians have moved to urban habitations, and the trend continues.

PURE team visit to Darling Downs

Members of the PURE team (Chris Duke – team leader, Steve Garlick and Pat Inman) visited the Darling Downs area of south-east Queensland. The sponsors of the visit were the University of Southern Queensland and Regional Development  Australia. The program for the visit included:

Breaking Barriers to Life-long Learnining

In an increasingly uncertain world, the constant is the change. Most ‘gurus’ of the future financial markets have begun to focus on risk-taking in uncertain and unpredictable world ahead. Not only the standards of finance are changing, the world of education is undergoing huge shifts. As demand for post-secondary education continues to increase, traditional providers of higher education - universities and colleges - are unable to respond in ways that fulfill those changing and shifting expectations.

Call for papers - Scientific Bulletin Education Sciences Series 2013

Dear colleagues and collaborators of the Scientific Bulletin – Education Sciences Series, (SBESS Journal) edited by the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Pitesti, Romania.

We are glad to announce you that we managed to publish the 2012 issues of our Journal. We had collaborators from various countries like Romania, Greece, Turkey, France, Poland, Iran, Hong Kong etc.

We are preparing the issues for 2013 and invite you and your colleagues to send a paper that refers to some of your scientific research results in educational field.

Workplace Learning and Development in Times of Globalization and Uncertainty - Call for papers

The ESREA Research Network on Working Life and Learning has announced the Call for Papers for the conference "Workplace Learning and Development in Times of  Globalization and Uncertainty" to be held at Osnabrück University, Germany, March 31—April 2, 2014. Submission deadline for abstracts  is September 16, 2013.

Education for Inclusive Cities

During the past decade, the most fascinating phenomenon of human demography has been massive migration of populations from rural to urban areas. This migration has been most prominent in the Asia-Pacific region where more than half a billion people have entered cities. More than half of the world population now lives in cities.

Nothing about us, without us

Nothing About Us Without Us is the title of the feature article on Community Engaged Scholarship in this month’s Canadian Newsletter of the Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada.  The placement of this as the feature article on the subject of community based participatory research/community engaged scholarship is significant and marks a new level of visibility for the community university engaged research movement in Canada.  

Higher Education, Adult Learning and Democracy: Thoughts on Post-2015 Discussions

Civil society has led the charge over the last 30 years drawing the world’s attention to the grand challenges, the big issues and the deep crises that we face as humans amongst the other life forms on the planet we call Earth. The United Nations has been a vehicle to amplify these issues and facilitate conversations with member states, the governments of our many nations. The MDGs are a case in point. The post-2015 goals are the next stage in that process.


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