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Random Reflections - October 1, 2013

There is unusual heavy rain in many parts of the world in the past month; evidence for changing climate patterns?

Adult Education and Learning in a Precarious Age: The Hamburg Declaration Revisited

Tom Nesbit and Michael Welton have recently edited the book, "Adult Education and Learning in a Precarious Age: The Hamburg Declaration Revisited", in which various international scholars critically assess how far the visionary statements of the Hamburg Declaration have been advanced and implemented. They review the recent development of the 10 themes of the Agenda for the Future, explore their local and global achievements through considering the results of the 2009 CONFINTEA VI conference and other related policy developments, and outline what is still necessary to realize the Declaration’s goals.

Ecosystem Services Come To Town! - European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference 2013

The 2013 Ecosystem Services Come to Town  conference will bring people from many different professions and backgrounds together to understand how we can adapt cities to climate change by working with nature.

Sustainable Food Cities Network

The Soil Association in the UK has initiated a Sustainable Food Cities Network, which we hope will attract the interest of subscribers interested in this important dimension of the learning city. Furthermore, the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation is funding this network with public, private and third sector organisations and local communities working together to improve their food system and to use food as a catalyst to tackle local challenges.

How HEIs can aid local and regional development - Chris Shepherd at Unisa

It was lovely to host Chris at Unisa the past week. Herewith an article* on his lecture published on Unisa’s Internal Newsletter today.

Chris, thanks again for an excellent lecture. Your own local experience and success have added tremendous value to this discourse.

What is the Value of UNESCO to the UK?

Organisations in the UK benefit by generating £90 million per year through the UK's membership of UNESCO. These finances, which include investment, tourism revenue and project grants, have contributed to regeneration, community development and conservation across the UK.

Given our excellent relationship in Pascal with UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning, subscribers will be interested in this report.

Where is the Peace Agenda in Higher Education?

September 21 is the International Day of Peace.  Irina Bokova, the Director-General of UNESCO in her message says that we should join together “to make education a force for peace”. What does this mean for those of us working on issues of social justice, engagement and social responsibility within higher education?

Global Democracy Requires Knowledge Democracy

Today, September 15, is International Democracy Day. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to this effect in 2007, focusing on the growing significance of democracy in the world today.

Governance of Roads in India Today

On my way to work the other morning, I traveled on a part of the highway. When the car was moving on a clear road, it almost crashed into a wheel-barrow placed on the topmost lane by a sweeper who himself was just a few yards away. There was no advance warning that such a ‘barrier’ was about to come ahead (absence of systems). It wasn’t obvious why such an activity cannot be done at a time which is not peak rush hour (poor systems)?

Conference of the ESREA Network 'Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development'

This Conference will take place at The Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal from June 26 to June 28, 2014.

More information at


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