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Al Wakrah City joins the UNESCO GNLC

The Gulf Times (7 August, 2017) reported that Al Wakrah City in the State of Qatar has joined the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities.

Trends 2017 – Between Cities and the Rural: The Role of Universities: New Venue, New Opportunities

The 2017 PASCAL International Observatory Conference “Trends 2017 – Between Cities and the Rural: The Role of Universities” takes place on 17-19 October 2017. Delegates are reminded of the change of venue for this Conference to Pretoria. This change made the Conference more accessible and therefore more delegates can attend this event. The change sparked an immediate increase in the number of Conference papers submitted.

The role of the EU in the implementation of Asia Pacific SDGs - new Jean Monnet Network funded by EC

I am very pleased to report that an application led by the EU Centre at RMIT, host of the the PASCAL Centre for Australasia, for a Jean Monnet Network on the role of the EU in the implementation of the SDGs in Asia Pacific has been supported. This also involves colleagues from the Australian National University (ANU), the University of Canterbury, the University of Glasgow and the National University of Singapore (NUS), including PASCAL Directors, Robbie Guevera and MIke Osborne.

Australian Learning Community Network Newsletter - Winter Issue, 2017

Please see attached the latest newsletter of the Australian Learning Community Network - winter issue of Ripples.

Café Society

Recently in Zadar, Croatia, I was given a marvellous booklet on the renovation and tourist "valorization" of the cultural and historical complex: The Rector's Palace.  On its solid foundation, for centuries it has been the site of culture, prestige and power. 

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – July 2017

From heat of summer and crop of mangos, another round of random reflections for your perusal:

Leading Causes of Global Inequality

In a recent "Contact" magazine of The University of Queensland, four leading academics were asked what they believed were causes of global inequality.  The respondents came from the fields of public health, engineering innovation, sustainable management and a life course centre.

Review of EcCoWell Approach to Learning Cities

The PASCAL Board has asked Peter Kearns, the founder of the EcCoWell approach to learning city development, to undertake a review of progress in implementing the idea since 1992 and to report to the Board by the end of this year. The summary below provides background on the EcCoWell idea and presents some questions where I would welcome comment.

Random Reflections by Dr. Rajesh Tandon – June 2017

Another Random Reflections, written away from the hot summer in Delhi:

Roberta Piazza, PASCAL Associate Director, Europe, appointed EPALE Ambassador for Sicily

I’d like to inform you that I’ve been appointed as EPALE Ambassador for Sicily. Briefly, there were 252 candidates and 52 ambassadors chosen covering all the Italian regions (except Valle D’Aosta region). On 8th May there will be a ceremony in Florence to officially nominate the new ambassadors in occasion of the Europe festival to celebrate 30 years for Erasmus+.


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